I think you're doing yourself a disservice by not swiping on the cute rich boys. Sure some will be shallow snobs and only want to date skinny privately educated models. But I bet a lot are nice normal people, who recognise a true babe like you when they see one. But tbf I probably too would look at the boat shoes and the chinos and bright white teeth and run a mile.

The different political views thing, it honestly frustrated me when I was single and on the apps and used to see profiles stating "no tories" etc. I think life is made more beautiful from the differences between us, and we shouldn't just look for replicas of ourselves. We need those differences around us to grow. I think there are core values we can look for which span the divide - kind, funny, smart, thoughtful guys can vote for all sorts of parties. And the bigoted racist sexist xenophobic people let's be honest could vote left or right.

I'm getting married soon, to a privately educated guy who voted brexit. Which is so far from my background and political views. But he's the opposite of any stereotypes that might jump into your brain, he's liberal, he's a feminist and hates Boris Johnson. He didn't vote tory or ukip. He doesn't think foreigners are ruining the country. But if I'd have put 'no brexit voters ' on my bumble profile we'd have never met.

Also, weird but as I read that Lana's new man is a trump supporter, I immediately thought well sure. Apparently I'd assumed she was a Republican? Not sure why!

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Oh my word, I’m obsessed with the comments by Bethany and Gill! Hard agree with Bethany on Lauren swiping the cute rich boys - you are such a babe!!!!! Also, if someone is cute, irrespective of their job, I say go for it too! You don’t know why they’re in that role - could be worth a shot!

Also, Gill saying about the gator tour guys being charmers 😂😂, I think there is something in this. It’s quite a ‘manly’ profession I guess - similar to men that work in trades. I listen to Miquita Olivia and Lily Allen’s podcast and Miquita always says she wishes there was a dating app where all the men were in some form of trades.

So happy that there is the space to discuss all this, whilst reflecting on our own views/ biases/ privilege etc.

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Without going into the politics side (I think Bethany below has done a great job in sharing some great thoughts around that!) I can say that, having done a gator tour in Louisiana last year (ok well Mississippi but we travelled there from New Orleans), those guys sure are charmers 😂😂

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When young my son worked at Subway. A girl who went in everyday & made sure he served her obviously fancied him. On a night out they bumped into each other & chatted, apparently they got on. He asked her out, she declined cos “she couldn’t go out with someone who worked at Subway”.

Her loss as it turns out. He’s been successful in both retail & finance since those days.

She’s still in our small minded, chippy working class town. He lives in the country in what’s called the “Golden Triangle”

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My worry is that it would never be the other way around. How many times do they have to post about Pierce Brosnan and his “larger” wife? Like he is an anomaly and yet she is beautiful but to people out there she somehow is bellow him? I just find it sad. But what’s sadder is, he is a Trump fan 😂

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