With you on this! I've been wanting to take my little girl to DLP for as long as she's been alive (she's 8 in a few weeks) and it looks like 2024 will be the year, but am already anxious about it all despite it being somewhere I've been five times before and something I've wanted to do with her forever... why can't I just relax and know that it'll be lovely once I'm there?!

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I’m exactly the same. Can I ask... do you also get anxiety booking? Sometimes I’ll get really excited to go to a specific destination, then sit down to research and book, and hit a wall of anxiety. And then give up 🤦🏻‍♀️ because I can’t deal with the anxiety of it! What if it’s not what I hope for? What if I regret spending my money on it? What if the person I’m travelling hates it and it’s my fault because I was the one that wanted go? It’s exhausting 😩 I felt like I was getting better then COVID hit and bam; post-covid, and I’m right back where I started 🤦🏻‍♀️. Being mental sucks 😂

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Yes! I feel the same way. I hate the booking process etc which doesn’t help, but then once it’s booked instead of being excited I’m in denial and burying my head in the sand and not thinking about it until the last minute. I think the fear of the unknown and the lack of control is right - and the pressure for it to be great (because £££) and the worry that it won’t be somehow. So glad it’s not just me. Have a wonderful time in LA!

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Add kids to the mix and it gets worse! Have I packed x y z?! Have the best time and hope to see more elevator boys content 😅

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I think you’ve put into words what a lot of people feel. After all the stress, I hope you have a lovely time once you get here (I’m in California)!

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Yes, exactly this.

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