THIS IS ME. But have you tried tequila rose? Strawberry milkshake.... just sayin 🩷😝

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I'm exactly the same and always have been! I may have even been known to sneak a Ribena into my solo cup at a house party aged 18..! As an adult though I am completely unfazed, and I'm oddly proud to have the taste buds of a child

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You had me at Nesquik over Whispering Angel ✌🏼 I’m now 39 and don’t drink much at all - the odd espresso martini when I meet my friend, or a wine with Sunday lunch if I’m feeling it. But the states I’ve been in with the dreaded Truth Juice over the years is nothing short of cringe - the nausea, wasted days in bed, numerous takeaways dialled, and having severe text regret when looking back at the previous night’s thumb diarrhoea. I admire anyone who says they don’t drink, oh, and petition to bring back Panda Pops please 🙏 (I’m now craving Strawberry Jelly & Ice Cream)

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