Love this. I drink A TONNE of water and have done since I was about 22 (I’m 43 now) but I don’t think it’s just an age thing as my husband (same age) barely drinks any (he’ll have a tiny glass and joke that it’s his allowance for the week) and I’m like “you must feel AWFUL?!?” And he’s like no, I’m fine. I only have to go an hour and I can FEEL myself becoming dehydrated😂 I’m known as the water nazi in my family as I always feel like every known ailment could be solved by drinking more water (heart attack? Must be thirsty🤪) seriously tho, I think the whole drinking loads of water really peaked in the early 2000s alongside diet culture as I myself hadn’t really ever drank it either prior to then. My 9 year old only drinks water too cos we’ve kind drilled it in to her which I’m happy about Xx

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I nearly spat out my morning pint of water that I chug back like a caveman when reading this! Was absolutely the same in my family and it baffled me.

For me, the search for the ultimate water bottle has been a big project. 32oz Owala if you are wondering!

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Thanks so much for the recommendation- will be purchasing one of the 32oz Owala’s I think!

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Love this! As it is an ongoing joke in our family. My 80year old dad is never without a glass of robinsons squash, where my 69year old mother thinks her morning cuppa is enough hydration until her lunchtime cup of coffee 🙄she is out doors alot and when I question(nag) water intake she shows me her robinsons drink bottle free with dads squash in the 90s barely 250mls. Where as if I drink less then 2 litres I am worried I may turn into a prune😆

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I’ll never forget the school trip in 1996 which was on what must have been the hottest day of the year and was an outdoor trip to a farm that seemed to have no animals and involved a very long walk around the farmland. Out of a class of 60, one singular child had been sent out with a bottle of water in their packed lunch. The rest of us had a a juice box or a Capri Sun if we were lucky. 80s/90s parents do not believe in water.

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I wonder if like many of these things that water intake would naturally vary from person to person, but when the 2litres/8 glasses a day came into fashion (which I feel was strongly associated with diet culture) that the nuance and variation went out the window?

I don’t drink much water, and don’t feel that I’m suffering as a result?

There are days I drink more and days less but I know for those times I tried the 2L a day thing I was more stressed as I needed the bathroom so many times! But my husband drinks loads in a day and can’t leave the house without ensuring he has a drink with him as he’ll feel thirsty, something I rarely experience. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Literally this! Also my Mum’s partner (late 50s) is constantly leaving the house without his phone, he’ll go to work, go out for the day or just out in the evening without his phone. I’d say he’s more likely without his phone than with it!

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I think it’s due to a lot of people carrying around water bottles, whereas maybe they didn’t in our parents time?! We always talk about how little our parents drink, but my sisters and I all have water bottles. I think it’s one of those, that if it’s there - you’ll see it and use it?!

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I don't really drink a lot of water and like yours, my parents drink absolutely none. Don't ask me why. It's always tea.

I drink maybe 500ml of water a day. I think because I drink so much tea I dislike water it when it's cold. I also dislike drinking it from a cold glass. I like my water at room temperature from a bottle. I'm far less likely to drink even the 500ml if it's cold. I could drink 6 cups of tea a day though.

Oh and yes, I'm definitely dehydrated as a result!

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My 67 year old mother swallows her medication dry *retch*. This is so keenly observed!

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