Really needed this exactly today. As a (much) older woman with massive imposter syndrome today I leave this afternoon for an overseas trip with young slim fit and impossibly beautiful and well clothed content creators (I am none of these things). I feel so out of my comfort zone, but desperately trying to embrace the opportunity rather than run screaming to the hills. And yes I did just check my passport despite knowing perfectly well it has years on it.

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This is so relatable! I work for an international company and they took us to an unimaginably beautiful ski resort last year for a work retreat. I spent half of my time on the balcony just gazing out at the view in wonder and the rest of it in freefall panic whenever I had to leave the room. I also hid in the (fortunately, Japanese!) toilet at a friends book launch earlier this month because there was a “mixer” before it started. Social anxiety is so real!

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I’m third party shitting it on your behalf. I’d be terrified and fully relate to the feelings if not the exact scenario 😆

You’re brilliant! I hope you have a great time and I look forward to hearing about it in your insta

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Many, many years ago pharma companies used to take doctors & nurses to large conferences or educational events.

I always felt as you describe, largely I was travelling alone with the expectation I would get myself to the hotel, sometimes many miles away, when I didn’t speak the language.

Sometimes there was time in the itinerary to have a look round

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Enjoy Laura !

Sounds very exciting 😛

Lots of adrenaline rushes 😮

You can tell us all about your trip and

look forward to hearing all about it 🙌

I Check check check and go into an obsessive frenzy with passports ,papers, phone , charger blah blah blah

And then it kicks off again at the airport

Did I lock the doors leave no taps running

it goes on and on !

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I have mixed feeling about these trips as a consumer. They seem so lavish and I just think I’m paying for that as surely it all gets wrapped into the RRP!

However, I don’t mind you going! Keeping it real as usual.

Have a great trip.

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