Not really one for unsolicited advice but wonder if you have considered CBT for health anxiety? Just a thought

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Thank you for writing this i enjoyed reading it, this is a topic not talked about enough. I have always had extremely painful irregular periods but once i hit my 30’s they just got heavier and heavier, to the point i had to change within 2hrs despite doubling up and wearing super tampons and pads. I was told i had fibroids and advised to have a Mirena coil. I had my coil fitted at the hospital no pain whats so ever 2 days later it dropped and i could see the string hanging, it took another 2 days to find somewhere to remove it (sexual health clinic) again painless. I had a new one fitted at my GPs, OMG never felt pain like it, it took 2 trips, both agony. I wont go into detail about life with it, but if i can offer anything it would be to note down exactly how you feel both physically and mentally and revisit that in 6 months, the coil can bring subtle changes that you don't notice immediately because you are so happy not to have a period, which for me took 8 months to stop.

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I’m on my second Mirena and it’s been the best decision for me. It took a few years for my periods to go entirely, but in the meantime they were so light that I only need a few small pads for a couple of days that was it. Such a relief. Mine was pretty painful when it was inserted (by a nurse at my doctors surgery - thanks for the clinic tip!) but the pain only lasted about 30 seconds, so worth it for the result.

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Thanks so much for writing this - this will have dispelled the information overload online and will help countless people. So glad you were treated with the respect and kindness you (and the rest of us) deserve. Ditto about the log flume comment - cracked me up! xx

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The log flume made me snort! Thank you for your service in writing this - I was one of the Instagram DMers asking for it! Mt Gushmore no more 🀞🏻 xx

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