What I find most disappointing with Lizzo is that normally she'll own her mistakes and generally explains her thoughts process behind some of her decisions. She showed this particularly with the ableist slur issue she was made aware of it and made a statement herself. Unlike another big popstar who used the same slur months later and in my opinion issued a very generic statement through a spokesperson. So to have remained fairly silent on the lawsuit is a little saddening but then who knows how much she may be allowed to say.

The Ozempic shade feels a bit off brand with her usual messaging, but also I can totally get the idea if she's put in the extra effort to lose weight without it that being accused of using it can be frustrating. As long as she doesn't end up in the group of people that were formally plus-sized that become a more traditional size that then turn their back/dismiss their plus sized followers.

Sorry a lot but I've been think about this since I read it yesterday!

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I hope she can come back- she is insanely talented and worked really hard to get here. Maybe that's why her behaviour and output isn't as slick as her protected, nepotistic peers and is coming across so badly. For me, nothing she has said or done would warrant a (career) death sentence.

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Sep 23Author

That is so true about how hard she worked to get here and maybe explains her statements. I kind of agree, although I think I’d like some resolution to the dancer saga. I’ve heard them being interviewed and they came across quite well in the snippet I watched, said they didn’t want a cancellation but an acknowledgement or something along those lines

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I think that the world of entertainment is totally different from any workplace though- at Glasto she had her arse hanging out and was downing tequila (and I loved it!)

Pushing boundaries seems an intrinsic part of it all. I don’t like it and obviously it seems she overstepped but I think she’s angry because her overstep is a toe in the wrong direction in comparison to literal rapists that seem untouchable. I hope she learns from this and launches an amazing comeback album 🤞🏻

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