It always makes me laugh when they give you the extra bit of paper roll to ‘cover yourself’. Like, it’s not covering anything, your hand is up my hoo ha so it’s a bit late for modesty anyway, and if a common housefly were to enter the room the flapping of its tiny wings would create enough of a gust to blow the thing away!

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“Skiddy bum tour” made me lol.

Thank you for sharing. I have recently had a similar appointment so it’s nice to hear someone share similar thoughts.

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I appreciated this, thank you.

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Thanks for sharing your experience, we don’t talk about women’s health issues enough so people always feel alone, I know when I had a complicated pregnancy it felt like I’d be the only once who ever had and then when I talked about these things people would be like, ‘oh my god me too!’ But nobody had ever mentioned any of it. I know it’s easier said than done but try not to worry too much about the resuits yet and give yourself some days to breathe. They will come when they come but no plan can be formed until then anyway. Good luck!

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